Community Involvement

January 2024 Women’s March

Housing, Diversity, Food Insecurity, Local Women Leaders, and more…

The years of the pandemic have led many of us to stretch our horizons to help others both with our funds and HANDS-ON. Our mission includes advocacy and equity. We reach into our community to support housing, diversity and other needs affecting the equity of women and children. Related news, honoring diverse local women…

2023-2024 Community Projects

  • Habitat for Humanity women’s build days
  • The Shelter Water Station that AAUW PT funded has been completed
  • Uplift/recognize local women of color/of the global majority each month – read more…
  • The Diversity Meet-up – this project will be completed 2024, probably February
  • Port Townsend High School Grab and Go Food Pantry
  • In-home Child Care Recognition 
  • Childcare Education Mentorship 

History of Community Projects

  • Since 2021 we have participated in hands-on housing projects including temporary shelters and Habitat for Humanity.
  • In 2023, we began an active Diversity project, beginning with $2,000 donation to Since Time Immemorial curriculum which all schools in Washington teach. See national AAUW website and search for DIVERSITY. You will find wonderful plug-n-play programs there.
  • In the fall of 2021, we heard at our branch meeting from Housing Solutions Network.
  • Our annual Woman of Excellence award was presented to Judith Alexander of the Community Build Project. Details click here…
  • January 2022 we heard Building Social and Economic Independence through Transitional Housing and Support Services, speaker from Bayside Housing and Services.
  • February 2022 OLYCAP presented Unsheltered in Jefferson County speaker from Olympic Community Action Programs
  • Members of our AAUW are part of the community documenting local housing efforts. See links to the films below.

For more information, contact

Housing July 2021


Permanent campers move from the fairgrounds to Mill Rd: YOU TUBE

Rosie’s Tiny House Village: A short video about why our community works with the homeless from Barb Oliver of Sound Foundations NW

The original documentary on Peter’s Place
The progress of Peter’s Place 8 months later

A film about a young couple who built an ADU on their property to rent as affordable housing –