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2020-21 Photos

Photos from our year of branch activities during pandemic – online safely and outdoors with one another and active during a busy political year. Click any photo to see enlargement and cycle through.

Equal Pay AAUW Policy

January 2021 News: AAUW members nation-wide are encouraging everyone to support EQUAL PAY… the bipartisan Paycheck Fairness Act was introduced in the US House of Representatives, and it will be introduced in the US Senate. AAUW has worked for 24 years to pass this critical bill, and this is the year we’ll succeed. We need to mobilize quickly to ensure we get it across the finish line.
[read more from AAUW National website…]

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on causing record unemployment and housing crises, women and the families who depend on their income are disproportionately bearing the brunt. And the compounding injustices of sexism and racism are exacerbating these issues by widening the already yawning gender pay gap. This is unacceptable, and it is past time for Congress to act to stop it.

Tomorrow marks the 12th anniversary of the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. What more fitting tribute than to continue that legacy by joining us to demand equal pay now?

• Contact your members of Congress
• Write a Letter to the Editor
• Celebrate Lilly Ledbetter on social media

Despite existing federal and state equal pay laws, the gender pay gap persists, impacting millions of women and their families. We need to update our laws to ensure all workers can take home a fair paycheck. Congress must ensure all women have the tools they need to challenge discrimination and all employers have the incentives they need to comply with the law.

Equal pay for equal work is a widely popular principle. Congress must act like it. Urge your members of Congress to do their part by cosponsoring and supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act today!

Women Vote! 2020 Calendar of Events Jefferson County

Passed in 1920, the 19th amendment gave most women the right to vote. As the 2020 centennial of this momentous amendment approaches, organizations across Washington are planning commemorations, celebrations and events. Washington state was ahead of the nation with suffrage. Most women in Washington won the vote in 1883, repealed in 1888, but reclaimed in 1910 — the fifth state to grant women the vote. For information about Votes for Women Centennial events across Washington, visit and follow Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @suffrage100wa.

Port Townsend AAUW / American Association of University Women and University Women’s Foundation (AAUW/UWF) have been awarded a Votes for Women Centennial grant to fund Women Vote! 1920-2020 in celebration of the suffrage centennial. Such grants are provided by the Washington State Women’s Commission and the Washington State Historical Society.

We team up with other organizations in Jefferson County to host presentations, movie viewings and plays.

  • Jefferson County Historical Society
  • Key City Public Theatre
  • Washington State Historical Society


Aug. 17 – PT City Council Chamber, Proclamation honoring historic year of women’s vote – click here…

Sept – Oct 20 Dramatic performance Living Voices: Hear My Voice a dramatic presentation through the Washington State Historical Society

Living Voices is an educational theatre company that offers a personal approach towards understanding important periods in history. Check out website:

Performance and Q&A with May’s Vote Actors – Fri Nov. 20 and Sat. Nov. 21 zoom event .

September and October – Rally for the Vote – We met up at traffic light on Sims Way at Co-Op corner.