Patti Ivers Honoree 2024

Honoring Patti Ivers
April 20, 2024

Words below from Leslie Roubal speech, Leslie being previous year’s (2023) Named Gift Honoree – passing the honor to Patti.

We all know her and have worked with her through the years.

Her background as a teacher has set her on a path with our branch to support our eduction mission. If I recall, she worked at the Chimacum Literacy program when I came aboard in 2016.

And has been on numerous UWF committees. Such as 2017 Career Day Co-Chair– “Helping plant the seeds of future success”

Her Marrowstone connections have benefited our branch in so many ways. 2015 She co-chaired with Jean Stastny the Kitchen Tour in of homes around her home base, Marrowstone Island. Again in 2018, she served as Kitchen Tour Co-Chair with Jean Stastny.

Her Marrowstone neighbor writes me during this nomination process “Patti Ivers is one of the most wonderful of women I know.  She is continually volunteering to work on different projects, many behind the scenes without lots of recognition.”

In 2018 she worked with her Marrowstone neighbor to apply for a Cross Charitable Foundation Grant, which since that time has supported our Tech Trek students and other STEM awards.

Her steady hand has helped the Tech Trek committee for many years, through this year, 2024. I loved attending the Tacoma camp visiting day with her and seeing her big smile as the students showed off their science projects. We even pursued other science student activities like the birth of our county’s Robotics program, now named the Roboctopi.

And from 2018-2020 she served as Co-President in with Dale Spears and Mary Biskup. This year she is Chair of the Technical Career Scholarship Committee.

Her unfailing good humor and cheer are an inspiration to all those who have been lucky enough to work with her. And she has good cheer, through health problems and family crises, she seems undaunted. We see her big smile in photos of our dining and wine interest groups, the garden groups, the walking groups.

As her admirer says “She is non-judgmental—she accepts and honors her friends and family even if they do not hold all the same views.  She sees the good in everyone… She views the world holistically and lovingly.  Her philosophy is that whatever comes, she will deal with it in a positive, constructive way.  She has experienced sorrow, pain, illness, and has dealt with those events in a mature, compassionate, manner.  Not denying them, but working through them with a positive, gentle, open-minded, loving attitude.

We are lucky to have PATTI IVERS in AAUW.