
This website is no longer active.  Please visit our new website at https://www.aauwpt.org.

Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision

Please be patient while we update our website.   However, we do want to keep our community, donors and members apprised of the following:

AAUW is a nationwide community of more than 170,000 people standing strong for gender equity.  AAUW membership makes our powerful voices even louder on critical issues affecting women and girls.  160 strong, the Port Townsend branch of AAUW has been a powerful advocate for women, girls, education, and our community – since our branch was founded in 1948.  University Women’s Foundation, (UWF), was founded in 1994 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation to raise funds for scholarships dispersed annually to East Jefferson County Women and Girls.

Together the AAUW/UWF partnership has awarded over $1 Million in scholarships to local women and girls.

  • May 2024, our Foundation, UWF, awarded $126,400 in scholarships to 43 East Jefferson County women.
  • April 2024, our Home & Kitchen Tour raised $27,490.    

A big Thank You to our community, donors and members for making what we do possible.


  • Our Leadership Team has secured a new location for our monthly branch meetings.  Starting Saturday, September 21st, 2024, we will begin meeting at QUUF (Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship).  QUUF’s address is:  2333 San Juan Avenue, Port Townsend.  QUUF has many amenities to offer our members including a new fellowship hall, hearing loop, and better access for our members and guests with mobility challenges.

Our new location will allow us to celebrate our past year’s record-breaking achievements, in a new more welcoming space.